Liesel at Home

Liesel Fuchs

We are so excited that Liesel accepted our invitation to become a Guest Recipe Blogger for Live Paleo and if you take one look at her Blog page and Instagram feed you will understand why! This lady is a genius recipe creator, especially when it comes to Grain Free and Paleo Friendly Desserts.

Liesel and her family initially gave Paleo a try 6 years ago in April 2012. She heard about Paleo from a friend and also watched the speech by Dr Lustig “The truth about Sugar” and decided to give it a go. She recalls that they just went “All in” and even though the first two months were tough, for example getting used to this lifestyle and missing how simple life was on pizza and other processed foods, a few weeks in they all started to feel the benefits.

Liesel always felt like she had a what she thought of as a “weak immune system” her whole life, but suddenly she felt stronger and fitter. Their daughter who had development issues, growth delays and dyslexia , suddenly “cleared up”, started growing and got great grades. It turned out she was gluten intolerant. She is now a top student!

As for Liesel herself, she was never overweight, but also not fit. Now suddenly she could see her body change, her skin clearing up and her energy levels were higher than ever before. Their son who soon turns 18 also now realises he feels better on a Paleo and experiences higher levels of alertness, even though he was always a high achiever and focused at school.

In all she believes they are all happier on a strict grain free diet. Most importantly they have adjusted the Paleo lifestyle to fit their family needs, by adding in rice and potato every now and then, and also occasionally dairy in the form of full cream, creme fresh and Mascarpone. Regarding sugar, they are still pretty strict but do sometimes eat an ice-cream and the kids have chocolate every now and then.

She loves to cook everything from scratch and has a big passion for beautiful, colorful, fresh and healthy food.

We look forward to introducing you to some of Liesel’s divine recipes in future Recipe Blogs, but for now you can check out Liesel’s  work here: and @liesel_at_home

Photography credits to:

Food Photography:@liesel_at_home

Portait Photography: @petefuchs