LIVE PALEO Ambassador Profile: Amy Mckey

We are so excited to have Amy on-board as our first official Live Paleo Ambassador. Amy is such a wonderful rep for our brand because she lives and breathes the Paleo lifestyle through her passion for whole foods, health and fitness. She is a true inspiration in all aspects of life, from her competition achievements, her work ethic, her self-sacrifice, her down to earth personality and passion for living a healthy lifestyle.


A little about yourself:

I’ve started my own business as a colourist/stylist specialising in blondes and corrective work at Over the past year I have built up a clientele to now be fully booked a few weeks in advance. It’s an absolute passion and I’m very fortunate to say I love my job.

My other full time job is my 9 yr old son who is severely disabled, confined to a wheelchair and fully dependant on me for all of his basic daily care and physical needs. I now recently have the support of my incredible husband which allows me juggle both having a career and being a carer. It can be very challenging but together as a team we make it work.

Titles won:

5 x 1st place bikini model ICN, Bikini Overall Champion QLD ICN in my first Season of competing.

What are you most passionate about:

Living a happy, healthy and sustainable life. As a mother sometimes it can feel as though doing things for ourselves (like taking time out to exercise) is selfish and can commonly lead to guilt but I find it’s important to realise that in order to be of value to others around us our health should in fact have some level of priority so I try to remind myself of this. I also know that I’m not always going to feel motivated, so sometimes it’s more about being disciplined. The more you practice being disciplined the easier it becomes to make choices that will help you reach your goals.

Why you chose to compete in Natural Bodybuilding:

I have been weight training for the past 6 years, gaining about 5kg of healthy weight and great physical strength which was my original goal to help me care for my son. I wanted to set a goal that was challenging both physically and mentally. I envisioned competing ever since attending my first body building show 5 years prior however, I didn’t know where to start and the extra support and encouragement needed was lacking until, until 2017 I joined the Olympia Pro Team and I was able to take my fitness goals to another level when I entered my first natural body building competition.

What is your favourite exercise:

I am currently focussing on strengthening the posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes and back) It can help with strength/power/athletic performance, overall health and importantly for me personally, injury prevention. What is your training philosophy: Quality over quantity. Train with intensity. Learn to have a mind to muscle connection. Using controlled movements with correct form.


Typical weekly fitness regiment:

Weights 3-4 times a week (lower body and upper body days) . I don’t enjoy cardiovascular exercise but I know it’s good for heart health so I meet up with friends at Kangaroo Point Cliffs once a week to run a few stairs and go for a nice walk which definitely helps to keep me accountable.

What is your nutrition philosophy:

I personally don’t count macros or calories and instead focus on eating foods that are nutritionally beneficial. I’m a real foodie so I love cooking food with a lot of variety and eating fresh, organic foods where possible. Before I met my husband I had the full load of caring for my son with no support which put an acute amount of continuous stress on my body that caused many health issues over the years so I have learnt how to manage these (adrenal fatigue, auto immune disease, low thyroid, hormonal imbalances) and maintain a balanced healthy lifestyle through diet and gut health which I’m very passionate about.

Favourite foods:

When meal prepping my favourite meal is lean Turkey patties with lots of fresh spices and herbs, tofu and salad. I also eat lots of nuts and homemade hummus. I love being flexible and finding healthy places to eat out during prep and I love Vietnamese, Thai, Indian food and raw treats (don’t make me choose just one!) occasionally.

How do Supplements and Nutrition play a role in your preparation for competition:

I take vitamins/supplements to support my immune system, metabolism/thyroid function and adrenals. Nutrition is definitely a priority when it comes to prepping for a competition. I always try to eat most of my protein except for post workout when a fast digestible protein source is ideal, just making sure it has no harmful ingredients and is all natural.

Fitness Goals for 2018/ Or Upcoming competitions:

I have committed to 2 shows in Season A ICN QLD and possibly entering the World Championships at the end of the year.

Favourite quote:

Attitude ultimately determines your direction. A positive attitude will give you the power over your circumstances. Don’t feel overwhelmed and stress over things that you cant control (or beat yourself up over that training session you missed or that donut you ate) Instead focus on what you did and can do! Make small achievable goals for yourself while working towards your ultimate goal. Celebrate small achievements and keep moving forward consistently making small changes. When you come to a dead end, find an alternative road instead of throwing in the towel. “When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you or let it strengthen you” I love this quote because life is full of challenges and set backs but it’s how we deal with them that determines our happiness.

You can follow Amy on Instagram: @amymckey